Vivienne gets ★★★★★

alt_flyer01The first run of Vivienne has been a terrific success, with a spread of fantastic reviews and audience feedback, confirming that the show really works for everyone. Read some of the reviews here

We have two more performances coming up – one as part of the Bloomsbury Festival on 17 October and the last one of 2013 at the Linbury Theatre, Royal Opera House on 25 November.

More details of these performances can be found here

We hope that there will be more performances in the future and are currently in talks about how to tour the show.

My thanks to everyone involved: Stephen McNeff (composer), Andy Rashleigh (librettist), Libby Burgess (piano), Joe Austin (director), Simon Kenny (design), Kit Nairne (lighting), Cheyney Kent (media & marketing), Claire Shovelton (photos) and Tête à Tȇte: the Opera Festival, where the premiere performances were given.